Welcome! 歡迎! Bienvenido! Bem-vinda! добро пожаловать!
VCU’s School of Education (SOE) is committed to promoting education beyond our borders. As part of that, we're proud to present our International Educational Studies Center – a collaborative opportunity for faculty and students here and across the globe to work and learn together in the areas of research, teaching, service and professional development.
International Students: Online Application and Information
Each of our programs has unique admissions requirements. Please review the individual academic program admissions page for support with your online application, statement of intent, resume/CV and other required materials requirements.
If you are applying from one of our international partnership institutions, please see our Direct Admit resources for your application.
Partner Institutions
Learn more about our seven partner universities
Speciality Programs
Learn more about our innovatuve short term programs and view previous programs
Learn more about the Biannual Cross cultural conference with Jiangnan University
Virginia Commonwealth University is a nationally renowned public research institution dedicated to the success and well-being of all members of its community. VCU student, faculty and staff groups and associations are open without regard to any characteristic or identity protected by law.